Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on . I want to render my image without any kind of background in Twinmotion because I edit that part later in Photoshop, is this possible in Twinmotion I know I can select a empty background and I can delete the ground geometry but I still get the simple background when I render the image. However, keep in mind that hard-edged transparency can cause jagged edges in the image. Use hard-edged transparency when you don’t know the background color of a web page, or when the web page background contains a texture or pattern. If you export to a different file type, such as JPEG, the transparent background in the Photoshop document will turn to white. Since the checkerboard in Photoshop only represented transparency, after export, your image will have a truly transparent background. Likewise, if you’re creating a logo or using a client’s logo in your work, you’ll want to isolate it on a transparent background. Lastly, click Save to export your photo with a transparent background. When working with GIF or PNG‑8 files, you can create hard-edged transparency: all pixels that are more than 50% transparent in the original image are fully transparent in the optimized image, and all pixels that are more than 50% opaque in the original image are fully opaque in the optimized image. Creating a transparent background behind an image allows you to easily add that image to another Photoshop document without the need for additional clipping, erasing, or otherwise manipulating the image. You can create transparency when you create a new layer or use the Background Eraser or Magic Eraser. To create background transparency or background matting in the optimized image, you must start with an image that contains transparency. Background matting works best if the web page background is a solid color and if you know what that color is.

It looks pretty much exactly the same as in Powerpoint, and the vectors/text are very clean with their transparency edges. Export the image to a PNG or whatever format.

Ctrl + v to paste all the vectors/text into the image. Add blur, replace colors, and clone image areas open GIMP (probably works in Photoshop or other software) make a new image with a transparent background.Scratch disks, plug‑ins, and application updates.System requirements | Photoshop Elements.